
The content of this website is maintained on Github at, please feel free to contribute. We will do our best to keep the content up-to-date with the functionality, but 100% coverage of the features will be a work in progress.

How to Contribute

To contribute, you will need to fork the Github repository, and make changes in your own fork.

Changes can be done by editing the files directly in the Github UI in your fork.

Once finished editing the files, you will need to commit your changes. github_commit

Once finished making changes, create a new Pull Request to submit the changes back to swills repository.

Click the New Pull Request button on the Pull Requests tab. github_create_pr

Click the Create Pull Request button to submit the changes to my repository.


Once the pull request has been reviewed, it will be approved and the changes will get published to the live site.

Content Layout

Each page has its own Markdown file in the ./content/ directory. The name of the file will be used as the URL slug, so please use hyphens (-) if you need a separator.

Each page has some metadata at the top of the Markdown file. More details can be found in the front matter documentation for Hugo, but the main ones to note are the following:

title: The Page Title
weight: 50

The title will be the title of the page. The weight is used to determine the page order.

Review the other pages to better understand what values to use for the weight.

The top level menu entries on the left are manually specified in the ./config.toml file. The sub-menu items are automatically created based on the header elements on that page.

You would place something like the following in the menu section of the ./config.toml file.

	name   = "New Top Level Menu"
	url    = "page-url/"
	weight = 50


The trailing / is required for all links so I have more hosting options.